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Tag: openjfx

OpenJdK 8 – Can’t compile package javafx.util does not exist

I build my java project by Maven. When I try to compile my java project by OpenJdk 1.8.0_322: I get error: P.S. If I use jdk1.8.0_202 from Oracle the project success compile! P.P.S. The project must be compile by java 8. It’s client requirements. Answer tl;dr Either: Develop/deploy on a JDK that includes the OpenJFX libraries. Add the OpenJFX libraries

Which version of OpenJFX (JavaFX) and Scene Builder should I use with Amazon Corretto 11 (OpenJDK)?

In your opinion, what is the best version of OpenJFX (JavaFX) and Scene Builder should I use with Amazon Corretto 11 (OpenJDK)? Currently, until the date of this post, there are 2 versions of OpenJFX (JavaFX) and 2 versions of Scene Builder: Gluon’s JavaFX versions: JavaFX 11 LTS JavaFX 16 Latest Release Gluon’s Scene Builder versions: Scene Builder 16 Scene
