Suppose I have Openapi specification file (api-docs.yml). I need to create a copy of it with: different servers block filtered paths by tag (with removing unnecessary schemas) Do any solutions exist to make such things, or it’s only possible to write your own parser? I’m using Java so Java-based solutions (maven plugins etc.) are preferred. Answer Do any solutions exist
Tag: openapi
Generating POJOs using OpenAPI generator with Lombok Annotations
I am using OpenAPI generator maven plugin like one below for generating Java client code for models . When , I generate the model classes, they get generated with usual POJO field declarations and getters and setters. But what I want to do is, instead of generating getters and setters, I want my classes to get automatically generated with Lombok
Java Spring Boot OpenApi 3 – How to add description for RequestBody?
I want to have a description for RequestBody in spring boot openapi 3 . so i make my code like this : RequestBody description is Book to add. My desire UI is like this : But nothings happen ! There is no description in my UI. description was added to Schemas panel Book entity !!! What is the problem ?
Is OpenAPI v.3 incomplete or convertor is wrong?
I am trying to validate some data for the REST API using swagger description. I have converted swagger.json into OpenAPI 3.0.1 using swagger editor conversion option, and now trying to read it into OpenAPI object with ObjectMapper with following lines of code: First, I got an error as it could not recognized the field x-codegen-request-body-name generated by the converter. Fine,
Swagger OpenAPI 3.0 – Springdoc – GroupedOpenApi not working in Spring MVC
My Application is Sping MVC not boot. I’m using springdoc-openapi-ui 1.4.4 also, I added the following imports to one of my @configuration class; and implement the beans as below But when I try http://localhost:8080/MyApp/v3/api-docs/user gives me 404. but I get all the APIs listed in http://localhost:8080/MyApp/v3/api-docs Also it comes in also without definition drop down. if I add to
Add in openapi file helidon objects health and metrics
I was write file openapi.yml wth openapi 3.0 description for services in my helidon project. But I use standart helidon handlers too (health and metrics): return Routing.builder() .register(…
Swagger/OpenAPI annotations V3 – use Enum values in swagger annotations
I’m creating the the API description of our application using Swagger/OpenApi V3 annotations, imported from following dependency: One of the annotations is a @Schema annotation that accepts an attribute named allowableValues which allows a an array of strings: Now I would like to use a custom method constructed on our Enum class that returns the allowable strings array, so it