Consider a Java object like following: so when we do, I was expecting something like: instead I got it as a json value wrapped into a double quotes and skipped by backslashes as it was double jsonized – if this is actually a verb – Answer I managed to overcome this problem by using @JsonRawValue From documentation it states
Tag: objectmapper
How can I deserialize it using Java?
I have a postgresql function that returns json: How can I deserialize it using Java? My POJO I want to use ObjectMapper but I can’t do this) Answer Change your Information class to the following (mind the Jackson annotations to match JSON properties): And then you just need to use Jackson’s ObjectMapper to convert your JSON String to the corresponding
Jackson ObjectMapper NoSuchMethodError problem wiht SpringBoot 2.2.7 and Camel 3.11.2
I am trying to setup project with simple post route: The application should accept invoices in XML format, convert them and send them to an external system. First I just want to accept the input string and print it. Error I am getting: I am using Java 11. Any suggestions? It seams like a libraries clash. Answer Camel 3.11.2 and
Using JAVA Reflection how to create custom JSON object mapping
I have a json Object in the below format, I need to assign the values from Json to java object, But the label name in JSON and class is different. I wanted to implement the custom object mapper using Java reflection. the mapping is as below, But I am not getting idea to implement this, Any valuable suggestion or usage
ObjectMapper writeValueAsString on ‘null’ vs ‘NullNode.getInstance()’
Consider the following statements: String s1 = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(null); String s2 = new ObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(NullNode.getInstance()); In both the cases, serialized values s1 and s2 would be “null” (in String format). Jackson, by default, serializes null objects without any exception. What are the cases where we need to use NullNode, instead of directly serializing null? Answer “null” here is a string, not
Issues in serializing API request argument in Spring boot application
I have written one aspect to serialize the request arguments for APIs in Spring boot application, in DB as follows: The above code snippet is failing if we get HttpServletRequest/ByteStream as a request argument. For example, for byte stream I am getting following exceptions: For the request type of HttpServletRequest, I am getting StackOverflow error. Actually, I would like to
Serializing map having value of different types to JSON using Jackson in Java
I would like to serialize a given hashmap into json and deserialize it back to the original map. Here I would like to make this generic so that it behaves seamlessly regardless of the type of the value. I am using the following code snippet for constructing the map and then serailizing it as json: This is working fine when
No serializer found when serializing one Object
I’m trying to return an Object as JSON. Using the /user/id endpoint, I want to display a User based on his Id. When calling this controllerMethod I get the following Exception: My contollerClass looks like this: I checked if al fields have a public getter and tried various options with @JSONIgnoreProperties, but I can’t find it. Displaying all users as
Jackson error “Illegal character… only regular white space allowed” when parsing JSON
I am trying to retrieve JSON data from a URL but get the following error: My code: The url constructed is i.e What is going wrong here? And how can I parse this data successfully? Imports: example response Answer The message should be pretty self-explanatory: There is an illegal character (in this case character code 31, i.e. the control