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Tag: nio

Detect if 2 paths are hard-linked together

If I have 2 Paths for files, both share the same FileStore, how can I verify with Java 17 whether they are pointing to the same file on disk (are hard-linked)? For Unix-like systems there seems at least to be a way to verify whether a file has other hardlinks (get Hard Link Count in Java), but on Windows/NTFS I

Why Java Files.walkFileTree throw a NoSuchFileException?

I’m using Files.walkFileTree to delete a directory. When running this code in CentOS, I got an error in my server log. I searched some keywords on the internet and there is no answer yet, maybe something is wrong with my code. So I wonder is it because Files.walkFileTree is not thread safe or something? I think maybe there is another

How to get the inmediate child directory of a file path in Java?

I want to navigate the file system and get the path to the child of a directory (if exists) without the root. For example: Input: Users/Documents/SVG Output: Documents/SVG My solution so far is to hardcode a string manipulation of the path: Is there a more elegant way to do this? Answer Path.relativize() can help You can convert this Path back

How to create a Path to a non existent file

How can I create a Path to a file which is guaranteed not to exist? I thought about using an “impossible” path name, such as: But somebody could create such a file, making my code fail. Update I have written a method which accepts a Path and then tries to read from the underlying file, and now I am writing

How to send both commands and files using Netty

I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong. How to send both commands and files. Below are the server and client pipelines. client pipeline: server pipeline: The fact is that before I send the file, I send a command (FileInfo) that the file described in this FileInfo will be sent soon. Then the file itself is sent (byte Buf), Like FileInfo,

Provider not found exception when creating a FileSystem for my zip?

I have created a Zip file on a JimFS FileSystem instance. I would now like to read the Zip using the Java FileSystem API. Here is how I create the FileSystem: However, this throws an error: java.nio.file.ProviderNotFoundException: Provider not found Interestingly, the code works with the default FileSystem. What does this error mean? How should I create my Zip FileSystem?

java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException: why nio not creating file [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 7 years ago. Improve this question I am using java.nio.file package and tried to create file with the following

Package does not exist

Which JAR contains I’m not using Maven or Ivy, just Ant. Ant compile gives: In the classpath is: The library is netty-4.0.21.Final.tar.bz2, which was downloaded from the official Netty website. I added each JAR from that download to the project. Yes, I realize it’s not using the CLI javac classpath, but the JAR’s are visible in the project, as
