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Tag: mysql

Find records not working Jdbc stored procedure

I’m a beginner of writing JDBC stored procedures. I created the stored procedure successfully. If I find the record, I couldn’t find it. I get the error: Check connectionjava.sql.SQLException: Can’t set IN parameter for return value of stored function call. I attached the code that I tried so far Stored procedure: Answer Your callable statement has three parameters (question marks).

1:n disable constraints for the n-side?

The Problem I have a 1:n relation, but the n side shouldnt rely on constraints. So i actually wanna insert a EntityPojo via its future id, when its not saved yet ( Lets ignore that its a bad practice ). This looks kinda like this. Cascading is not possible here, i only have its future ID, not a reference to

How to create hibernate request with localdate

I have a user who has an expiration date (dateTime), I need to display all users who have not expired yet. Tried different options with DATA (), or as an example – but it doesn’t output anything. But when asked in MySQL – SELECT * FROM user where> NOW () displays everything as it should. Tell me how to

Running Acrarium by docker-compose.yaml causes HikariPool-1 – Exception during pool initialization

I’m trying to run Acrarium on my local Debian 10 machine – just to test it – by running the docker-compose up command with this compose file: The database runs successfully, but when it comes to run acrarium, I’m getting this error in terminal: HikariPool-1 – Exception during pool initialization. com.mysql.cj.jdbc.exceptions.CommunicationsException: Communications link failure The last packet sent successfully to
