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Tag: multithreading

Immutable class while using a cache

While going through JCIP, I came across the below code snippet which was considered as Immutable. However the explanation provided makes me confused. OneValueCache wouldn’t be immutable without the copyOf calls in the constructor and getter. Arrays.copyOf was added as a convenience in Java 6; clone would also work. Aren’t the state vars of OneValueCache themselves Immutable with final and

What happens at runtime when we have multiple Java threads?

I am trying to understand what happens when you have multiple thread objects and you call start on them. To this end, I have written the following code: So the output I get involves Thread-x, where x is from 0 to 99, but they are in different order than the natural order (i.e. 0,1,2,3,…). I expected this because I read

Spring Boot Batch – Stop and Start a multithreaded step with CompositeItemWriter

I am trying to stop and start a multithreaded step through Scheduler. But I am getting exception as If I understand correctly we wont be able to restart an multithreaded step. But I am not restarting. I stop the job by stepExecution.setTerminateOnly() through ChunkListener() and trying to start this by in a scheduler. Here is my codes; This

OptaPlanner Multithreading: Can I retrieve internally resolved “moveThreadCount” for reproducibility?

OptaPlanner v8.0.0.Final I want to set my OptaPlanner engine configs’ moveThreadCounts to AUTO, but I need to be able to reproduce runs even if it means I must take the moveThreadCount value from the logs/stdout/whatever (that is the plan). I see the value is resolved in DefaultSolverFactory::buildSolver line 82: This value is then saved to a HeuristicConfigPolicy on line 90

isInterrupted() still returns “false” even after the Thread.State is “TERMINATED” in Java’s Thread – why?

When thread gets terminated (Thread.State.TERMINATED) it is still not interrupted. Why? I found this, and I found this, but neither answers my question.I have tried this out on OpenJDK 11 and Oracle JDK 16 – no difference, same result. I have been working with Java for more than 10 years now, and multithreading tasks have always been clear to me;

Java 11 hashmap deadlock [closed]

Closed. This question needs details or clarity. It is not currently accepting answers. Want to improve this question? Add details and clarify the problem by editing this post. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question Here are a few lines of code which I wrote to test hashmap’s performance in a multi-threading environment. I know that hashmap may cause deadlock
