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Tag: batch-processing

Jboss EAP 7.4.1 configuration issues

I am trying to bring one of the environments EAP 7.0 to EAP7.4.1 and I have managed to migrate one of the environments successfully. However, on one of the environments, as soon as I start EAP after upgrade in the domain mode, the server runs out of memory with the error below: I have tried to copy the exact configuration

Spring Boot Batch – Stop and Start a multithreaded step with CompositeItemWriter

I am trying to stop and start a multithreaded step through Scheduler. But I am getting exception as If I understand correctly we wont be able to restart an multithreaded step. But I am not restarting. I stop the job by stepExecution.setTerminateOnly() through ChunkListener() and trying to start this by in a scheduler. Here is my codes; This
