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Tag: mockito

Mockito Error Is Not Applicable for the Arguments (void)

Mockito throws error “The method when(T) in the type Stubber is not applicable for the arguments (void)” for a class I’m mocking, can’t figure out why. the code in question is: I’m aware similar questions have been asked but if somebody could explain a solution for this or point me in the right direction I would greatly appreciate it Answer

Mocking static methods with Mockito

I’ve written a factory to produce java.sql.Connection objects: I’d like to validate the parameters passed to DriverManager.getConnection, but I don’t know how to mock a static method. I’m using JUnit 4 and Mockito for my test cases. Is there a good way to mock/verify this specific use-case? Answer Use PowerMockito on top of Mockito. Example code: More information: Why doesn’t

Mockito when method not working

I am using mockito as mocking framework. I have a scenerio here, my when(abc.method()).thenReturn(value) does not return value, instead it returns null. } Java class When ever i run the test file the when is not working and i am using mockito1.8.5 jar in the buildpath. The service call is being mocked but returns the null value. This object dqCntlWfDefnTyp

Mockito mock objects returns null

I try to implement some tests for my JSF application and for the mocks I am using mockito. (I also use spring) The test succeeds, but when I want to retrieve the instance with the getInstance method. All Parameters which I have set before (via the constructor before) are null. I am new to mocked objects, so is this behavior

Mocking a Spy method with Mockito

I am writing a unit test for a FizzConfigurator class that looks like: I’d like to write a simple unit test that stubs the doWidget(String,Config) method (so that it doesn’t actually fire and hit the database), but that allows me to verify that calling doBuzz(String) ends up executing doWidget. Mockito seems like the right tool for the job here. This

Mock a constructor with parameter

I have a class as below: The logic in the constructor A(String test) and check() are the things I am trying to mock. I want any calls like: new A($$$any string$$$).check() returns a dummy string “test”. I tried: But it doesn’t seem to be working. new A($$$any string$$$).check() is still going through the constructor logic instead of fetch the mocked

passing Parameterized input using Mockitos

I am using Mockito for unit testing. I am wondering if its possible to send Parametrized input parameters with as in Junit testing e.g Answer In JUnit, Parameterized tests use a special runner that ensure that the test is instantiated multiple times, so each test method is called multiple times. Mockito is a tool for writing specific unit tests, so
