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Tag: mocking

Why my test passes without a bearer token

I have a simple Spring app. But I don’t understand why the test passes without the need of a bearer token. Here is the controller: Security Configuration: In order to setup the security configs for tests I’m using: So my test class looks like this: If I change the autority in the test to something like ‘foo-user’ the response becomes

Mockito: Verify if a method specified in any thread got executed?

I have a method like the following one : Upon verification that the component.runJob() method is being executed it is throwing an error stating that Wanted but not invoked: component.runJob() Actually, there were zero interactions with this mock. How do I fix this? And verify if the thread is starting & executing the runJob method? Answer Your test is running

Mockito How to mock and assert a thrown exception

I have this junit: but I have this error: I also tried: Answer The problem is that you are stubbing, but not really testing anything. And if you are not testing anything, then there is no need for stubbing. That’s why you have unnecessary Mockito stubbings. I assume that you want to test your SecurityManagerService. If you want to do

How to mock a method call in a constructor?

I have class class1, which has 2 member variables: I want to test the method fun, so I will have to write a test-class and a test method for that. But, how do I mock the method call config.getEnablingStatus(), while creating an object of type classA in the test class? I am thinking of doing something like this [see the

How to mock in java 8

Please, I am testing a functionality ABC that uses In the methode ABC i’am comparing an entry date with the I want my test to be passed at any day so i have to mock the This is my test: I am using JAVA 8 the date shown in the console is always the real LacalDateTime not
