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Tag: maven

Java cucumber Selenium : NullPointerException for scenario.write for the first scenario on before tag

I am getting the NullPointerException when the code below code is executed. Note that the exception is recieved only for the first cucumber scenario executed. There is no exception for the second scenario. I am actually trying to insert the timestamp before start of each scenario. Please advise how this issue can be fixed. Any help will be appreciated. I

How to create a non-executable JAR file that includes all Maven dependencies

I have a Java project that doesn’t have a main file but it has a lot of Maven dependencies. How I can create a JAR-file that contains my source-code and required maven dependencies? My pom.xml: Answer You can use the maven-assembly-plugin just as you could use it for creating an executable JAR with dependencies. The only thing you need to

Getting Picocli to work with Springboot application

I have to convert a large Spring boot application into a flexible CLI tool, where the requests sent by the Spring boot application (among other things) are determined by user input at the command line. I decided to use picocli to implement the command line functionality, however I can’t figure out how to even do something as simple as print

Maven error Cannot access defaults field of Properties

I use the newest version of Java -> 16. When I run mvn clean, I am getting Could not initialize class org.apache.maven.plugin.war.util.WebappStructureSerializer error. I read that adding maven-war-plugin can be a solution, but it didn’t work for me. When I run mvn install, the following error occurs: Error injecting constructor, java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: Cannot access defaults field of Properties at org.apache.maven.plugin.war.WarMojo.(Unknown Source)

Error when using the maven-plugin-plugin version 3.6.0 on Java 16 code containing record types

I’m creating a Maven plugin using I’d like to upgrade the required JDK version of my plugin and its dependencies to 16, but there seems to be a problem: In org.apache.maven.plugin-tools:maven-plugin-tools-annotations:3.6.0, the following constructor can be seen (which is invoked in DefaultMojoAnnotationsScanner.analyzeClassStream() from the stack trace): It hard wires the ASM API version to ASM7, when ASM requires version 8

Maven error in Eclipse when including aws-java-sdk-acmpca

Whenever I add the dependency below, I get this error in Eclipse: Errors running builder ‘Maven Project Builder’ on project. Could not initialize class okhttp3.internal.platform.Platform I tried adding it to its own project with no other dependencies and I still get the same error so I don’t think that a dependency is clashing with anything else. Is it possibly caused
