I am trying to setup an Oracle database with JOOQ on Maven for Code Generation. Currently trying to connect with Oracle Database JDBC. https://www.jooq.org/doc/2.6/manual/code-generation/codegen-configuration/ The following example from resource is Postgresql. What is the syntax for Dependencies for Oracle setup? Answer Newer versions of ojdbc are now on Maven Central, too, e.g. Please refer to Oracle’s documentation for more information.
Tag: maven
Cannot resolve method ‘combinations’ in ‘Sets’
I was trying to build a project in Intellij-idea with Maven and got a error saying that “Cannot resolve method ‘combinations’ in ‘Sets’ The code where the error is showing is here : The imports im using : I have guava dependency in the pom.xml, tried putting this dependency but it doesn’t work: Image with the error when i try
How to make multiple Spring HandlerInterceptors execute in a specific order
I’m currently working on a Spring boot project. I have a dependency on a library project that has an interceptor(LibraryProjectInterceptor.java) and a public class LibraryProjectConfig implements WebMvcConfigurer and overrides the addInterceptors() method to add the LibraryProjectInterceptor to the InterceptorRegistry. In my actual project where I added this library project dependency, I have created an interceptor(ActualProjectInterceptor) that needs to be executed
Running from command line using “mvn test” gives error where dependency jar is not found
I have two projects. AutomationFramework is simply libraries/common pages/base class etc. I created a jar from it and added to the main test project which is the automation test suite. I can run from Eclipse (2021-06) all the 7 tests, successfully. I like to run them from command line and then set it up to run from Jenkins. When typed
How to force AspectJ search from test directory in src directory of project using compile weaving?
Actually, it will be more complex question. I want use AspectJ only in test purpose. Have found suggestion to use if() JointPoint and some static boolean field. Also, first I start using aspect as inner static class of my base test method. After some experiments I replaced it to own class, but actually don’t got the result, that I want.
Azure blob storage 12.5.0 dependency removed from maven central repo
I Have been using Azure blob storage 12.5.0 to develop a java application for talking to blob storage. Everything was working fine but suddenly now when i compile my maven project it says dependency not found. Going through this link for 12.5.0, I now get a page not found error. I am struggling to understand why this dependency was suddenly
Why is Pitest throwing a NoSuchMethodError?
So I recently upgraded one of my repos to Java 11 and updated the versions of some of the other dependencies. After going through several of the dependencies and resolving all of the errors, I finally got the application to pass all unit and integration tests and it was running normally again. However, when I push the project it also
Disabling “Download sources and javadoc” in eclipse
I’m using Eclipse 20210312-0638 I have unchecked “Download artifact sources” and “Download artifact javadoc” from preferences (First picture). It’s still downloading them (2nd picture). Is there any other configuration that I should change? Answer Someone already filled a bug at Eclipse: https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=576112 Apparently, it’s fixed in M2E, but not yet released. Though, you can update on the latest snapshot as
Maven builds multi module project succesfully, Eclipse shows errors
Note: this question is similar to this one, but the answers there did not work for me. I have an odd problem: using Maven in the command line, my build is succesful, but imported in Eclipse it still shows errors. In particular, I’m trying to build the open-source rosetta-dsl project, which is a multi module Maven project containing Xtext and
Maven adding layers.idx and other spring classes automatically to the war file
I am building a war using maven (mvn clean install), the build is successful but the problem is few spring-boot related jars are getting missed in the war file(I checked using jar tf command) and instead of that many other springboot related classes and layer.idx file is getting added. How to remove these so that they are not included in