I’m running some very old legacy code, which has worked in the past. This time, it’s giving me the following error The line that causes the error is in the Logger class defined by log4j. I have log4j 1.2.17 included in the code, which is the most up-to-date version according to maven. Has anyone else seen this error? Any idea
Tag: log4j
DailyRollingFileAppender alternative in Log4j 2x
DailyRollingFileAppender was removed in Log4j 2x. What should be used instead? Answer Use a RollingFile 1 with TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy 2. e.g.: See more in Apache Log4j 2 User’s Guide [PDF]. Notes org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.RollingFileAppender org.apache.logging.log4j.core.appender.rolling.TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy
Lazy way to convert log4j.xml to log4j2.xml [closed]
Closed. This question does not meet Stack Overflow guidelines. It is not currently accepting answers. We don’t allow questions seeking recommendations for books, tools, software libraries, and more. You can edit the question so it can be answered with facts and citations. Closed 2 years ago. Improve this question Is there a easy/lazy way (e.g a shell script etc) to
Stop displaying logger output to console from dependencies
I have a few Maven dependencies in my Java project that clutter the console output with redundant log info. I want to disable such logging. Setting the additivity property to false might help. But could not use it properly. I am looking for a log4j.xml config that will only print log output (warn, error, …) from my project and not
how to log only one level with log4j2?
I’m using log4j2 in my application. What I want is everything up to ‘debug’ to go to console, everything up to ‘info’ to go to myapp.log, and ONLY ‘info’ to go to ‘myapp-audit.log’. The reason is, INFO mostly consists of successful modifications to data (ex. ‘user created’, ‘user updated’, ‘user deleted’, and so on). If is effectively an audit log
Where does maven search for log4j.properties file?
I am facing issues using log4j with Maven. I’ve one properties file i.e log4j.properties and I’ve put that file at the same path where project’s pom.xml is stored. pom.xml I’ve used log4j in my code which is under test folder. Code I would like to know, how does maven identify where the log4j.properties file is located? In the above scenario
Log4J creates log file but does not write to it
I’m trying to configure log4j to log messages to a file. Right now, the file does get created with the name I provide, but the logs are not written to the file. My code: Contents of my log4j.properties file: When I run this, I get this output in the console: The file log.log does get created in my main directory.
How do I configure log4j to send log events to java.util.logging using JULAppender?
I am familiar with the java.util.logging (JUL) framework, I use it extensively. Recently, I started using a library that does its logging through log4j. When I start my application I now get the following printed on the console: It appears that log4j has a solution for this: JULAppender which will send everything logged with log4j to the logging framework that
LOG4J in Android
I have a Java Project with a lot of files, which is using LOG4J. Now I am trying to Port it to the Android platform. Is it possible to reuse the code as it is, with LOG4J function calls? Current understanding: Property configuration won’t work (beans dependency) I tried with LOG4J for Android and SL4J Lib. No success. Working. But
Is it fine to do logs in java class with thread id?
When we add logs in to the java class (using log4j), Is it fine to add thread id with that log messages? is it a bad practice? My idea was to add this thread id; Once we examine a log file of a multithreaded application, it is difficult to find out the correct flow using logs. (As an example, say