I’m new to android developement and I’m supposed to use Java as the programming language. I have an app where I’m supposed to be able to capture images and the geographical location of the captured images and display these details. I am displaying the image in an imageView. I have a text file where I’m storing image links as well
Tag: location
Use same GPS location code on multiple fragments
I want to make an application that will include five different fragments. In each fragment I need the GPS location of the device but the purpose will be different. In order not to implement FusedLocationProviderClient five times for each fragment, I was thinking of doing this once in MainActivity and sending the results to the displayed fragment. Being a beginner
Can’t Change button or panel location in Swing (Java)
I can’t change the location of Button or Panel in “setbounds” in java swing.It’s just stuck to the top. What should I change here? Should I add a “Gridlayout” to the button or something? Changing the panel location does nothing for the button. public class Main { Answer In Java Swing, a layout manager decides on where the contained components
Convert location units from miles to meters Android [closed]
Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 4 years ago. Improve this question i want to convert miles to meters? and other units to metric? I