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Tag: liquibase

Liquibase bidirectional relationships changelog order

I’ve faced a problem when implementing liquibase in an existing project. So we have two entities: Company: Stock: And my liquibase changelogs. Company: Stock: And master: I have this exception: I understand that liquibase trying to create stock and then add company_id as foreign key although there is no company table yet. I have a bunch of bidirectional relationships and

H2 – Oracle – liquibase – org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Table “all_sequences” not found;

I try to add H2 for testing purpose into Spring Boot application-test.yml, my production Db is Oracle. I want to populate H2 schema by liquibase, but I receive following error: Caused by: org.h2.jdbc.JdbcSQLException: Table “all_sequences” not found; SQL statement: My config is following: How to adjust config aboive, I spent few hours, but can not figure out how to make

Liquibase plugin for gradle

I’ve been looking for a liquibase gradle plugin and found gradle-liquibase-plugin from tlberglund. Gradle version 1.2 build file: Runnin gradle build fails with the following error: Does anyone have experience with this plugin, I would really appreciate a working example. Answer The problem isn’t related to the Liquibase plugin. You just need to declare a repository in the buildscript {}

Running liquibase within Java code

For some reason there’s no documentation on running liquibase inside Java code. I want to generate tables for Unit tests. How would I run it directly in Java? e.g. Answer It should be something like (taken from liquibase.integration.spring.SpringLiquibase source): There are multiple implementation of ResourceAccessor depending on how your changelog files should be found.
