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Tag: keycloak-services

create keycloak endpoint to provide custom authentication

I am trying to extend keycloak by creating a new endpoint to authenticate users. The point is, user is not stored in keycloak, the user is stored in an external system. The external system will call the new endpoint and provide token (will contains user info), clientId, and clientSecret. and (somehow) we will verify the existence of the user. The

KeyCloak – Create Realms/Users/Groups Programmatically?

We’ve decided to move to KeyCloak for our identity and access management solution, rather than implement it entirely within our Java EE web app. We’re creating a multi-tenant solution, and would prefer to create security realms/users/groups programmatically through our workflow, rather than leveraging KeyCloak’s self-registration functionality or web UI so that we can do things like grab credit card details

Access the keycloak API from postman

I have tried to access the keycloak API from the postman. but it is showing 400 bad request. I was calling api in the below format. In the headers I have set the content_type as application/x-www-form-urlencoded I am getting the response as below. Can any one help me.Any help will be appreciated. thanks in advance Answer A bit late for
