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Tag: junit

How to get rid of TemporaryFolder rule in Junit5

I’m migrating unit tests from Junit4 to Junit5. In the test I’m using TemporaryFolder rule from Junit4 API. To keep the test working I added @EnableRuleMigrationSupport annotation: As I understand, in Junit5 I need to use extensions instead of rules, but I can’t find any replacement for TemporaryFolder in Junit5 extensions. Does it exist? How to correctly replace TemporaryFolder rule

How to access Karate config parameters in JUnit tests?

Is there a way to access the config parameters from karate-config.js within JUnit tests? Example: karate-config.js Answer But why !? There are multiple ways, but first – maybe you are over-engineering things and note that it is possible to read a *.properties file in Karate: properties.feature You can also create a feature file with a single, empty Scenario –

DBUnit: NoSuchColumnException Non-uppercase input column in ColumnNameToIndexes cache map. map’s column names are NOT case sensitive

My java application stores your information in MySql database version 8. The user information and password are stored in this database. I am implementing an integration test to test the method that validates the user in the database using dbunit. After the test method runs, the error below occurs. I checked through MySql Workbench that both the table and the

Asserting UUID in junit

I have a method which builds an object and returns it. The object as UUID as one of its fields. While building the object, random UUID is generated. Here is the code: Here is my test: I’m just verifying if the correlationId is not null or not. Is there a better way to verify the UUID? Answer The only way

Are test suites considered deprecated in JUnit5?

I am trying to create test suites with JUnit5. After some research I was not able to conclude whether it is a supported feature or not. The official user guide only mentions suites with regard to backwards compatibility to JUnit 4. This is how it was done back in JUnit 4: Does this mean, that Test Suites are considered deprecated

Is Spring Framework used in a unit test?

I am getting ready to take my Spring Certification v5.0 and there appears to be a question: Do you use Spring in a unit test? Link to Exam Guide questions. From Spring reference guide I know this: The POJOs that make up your application should be testable in JUnit or TestNG tests, with objects simply instantiated using the new operator,

Spring unit test issue with Validator

I am trying to write unit test for a validator class that I have. So within my UniqueEmailValidator class, I injected a @Service component to check if it exist. And I tried to write unit test for this constraint validator. How do I initialize the AccountService within the Validator class? It seem like it wasn’t injected, hence, the null exception.
