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Tag: jsp

Insert data when selecting a dropdown option, MySQL, JAVA, JSP

well my english is not so good, but i will try to explain me, I have a question about how to make an INSERT query when selecting an option from my dropdown, I explain myself, I have a section to insert a user on my website, and an option to select a profile enter image description here It should be

How to create delete function with jsp and mysql

im trying to a create a course table with crud function. So this is a simple page i want to create with the following function Create Course Edit Course 3.Delete Cou Update Course Answer the above has been resolved by change the input parameter

Breakpoints not working on JSP pages in Eclipse

Breakpoints are being hit in the Java code, the project is being run as Debug, “Skip All Breakpoints” is disabled, line breakpoints (blue dots) are on lines in my JSP pages. The result in the web browser debug, so I know it’s hitting the right page: Why are my breakpoints on JSP pages not being hit? I’m having no issue

Including JSTL implementation jar only

Following this answer, below is a simple JSP demo that includes only JSTL implementation jar(javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-1.2.1.jar), but not JSTL API jar(javax.servlet.jsp.jstl-api-1.2.1.jar), My understanding is, JSTL implementation jar holds both API(mostly Java interfaces) and it’s implementation. This is the reason test.jsp got compiled and executed successfully. Further, same approach would work with servlets using API implementation jar provided by Tomcat container without

JSP can’t display Russian characters

I have a JSP file that contains paragraphs with Russian text. However, no matter what I do I can’t get a browser to display that text – instead all I get is hieroglyphs. The same text but in a simple HTML file without any headers or declarations works fine: But the moment I save that file as JSP and try

What causes “java.lang.IllegalStateException: Neither BindingResult nor plain target object for bean name ‘command’ available as request attribute”?

This is meant to be an extensive canonical question & answer post for these types of questions. I’m trying to write a Spring MVC web application where users can add movie names to an in-memory collection. It’s configured like so and There’s a single @Controller class in the com.example package WEB-INF/jsps/index.jsp contains The application is configured with context path /Example.

Spark-Java framework, Jetty and JSP files

Go easy please, I’m rather new to the whole web development thing and I’m a little perplexed. I have the Spark framework installed from Maven, which has Jetty as its underlying web/application server, correct? Jetty is embedded in the Spark jar so I can’t/shouldn’t mess with it. Is that correct so far? I read that Spark’s embedded Jetty should support

Why do I always get Whitelabel Error Page with status “404” while running a simple Spring Boot Application

My Controller My JSP (welcome.jsp) inside /WEB-INF/jsp (parent folder is WebContent) My pom.xml My App Initializer I even added thymeleaf dependency to my pom. It still didn’t work. When ever I hit localhost:8080/hello or /indexPage or /indexPageWithModel it always says Whitelabel Error Page This application has no explicit mapping for /error, so you are seeing this as a fallback. Wed
