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Tag: json

Get Json / Resonse body from Curl Post Request in Java

This is the method I have written which sends a POST request to send an Email. I am able to send the email and get the Response Code 200 Ok. But I don’t know how to get the JSON Response and convert it into an Object. Can someone please tell me how to do this? Answer A basic search reveals:

Spring, Jpa : One To Many Error when the list contains values

I want to return a Profile Object in JSON containing a list of login details associated with a social network. Everything works correctly when the “reseaux_sociaux” table is empty. For my status table I get my statuses in JSON format in my Profile object. However, when “reseaux_sociaux” contains values then I get the error below and my Profile object in

Concatenating a string to a JOLT value output

I using JOLT to transform and extract a URL of an object, but it’s only the URL slug. Is it possible to concatenate a static string to that slug to have a full URL? The current output is: And the expected output is: The JOLT Spec is: The JSON input is: Any option to add the static URL link to

Parse JSON file with dynamic fields by java

How to parse JSON file with the object, which contains dynamic fields. As an example here: Here is “items”, which has objects with name(“1c68b853-2a07-4409-ad61-8650212f3260”) and body. And it’s more then 2 items. Answer You can easily use the Map interface, to store the dynamic parts: You can also, as well, create three different classes for name, modifiedDate,

How to compare nested JsonNode field values with Java object parameter values in DROOLS?

I’ve been trying to execute a set of rules on a request object on the basis of some set of configuration value. Below is the example on what I am trying to do: Configuration: config.json Request Class Object: policyDataToBeVerified I converted the config.json into a JsonNode object:configJson and passed both policyDataToBeVerified and configJson to drools working memory. Below are the

Gson to append json object within an array in a json file in java

I am trying to store a game result in a JSON file. The results are stored when the game is over, and are supposed to be displayed afterwards in a table. I have this function that creates the game score and adds it to json file using GSON That method creates a JSON file that looks like this: The problem

How to put multiple values into a json in java

I’m trying to return a list of values from JDBC but multiple columns of the database to solve this I just made a JSON object to make something like this The issue is im getting this error WARN 43953 — [nio-1900-exec-1] .w.s.m.s.DefaultHandlerExceptionResolver : Resolved [org.springframework.web.HttpMediaTypeNotAcceptableException: Could not find acceptable representation] What I’ve tried I’ve tried using a hash map but
