I’m working on a multi maven modules and I want to copy from entity to model with BeanUtils, here what I tried: This is my entity (with getters/setter/noargs/allargs): and this is my model (DTO Model): This is the output I’m getting: The problem is that the fields get copied but the list does not it shows me an empty List.
Tag: jpa
DDD: choose relationship or only id reference with JPA/Hibernate
Here is a situation makes me quite confusing. I have two tables: users and articles. One user can write multiple articles and one article can only have one author. From this business. I have two entity: If I follow the JPA style, the Article should be like this: This will make the query service quite easy. For example, I may
JPA repository Boolean Query – return null pointer exception
I have Java springBoot project With repository that included boolean custom query. but the system run to null pointer exception apart from return “false”. this is the query: I called the method: and this is the error: Answer Your query is designed to return whatever entity (called CustomersVsCoupons from now on) is mapped to the table customer_vs_coupons, not a Boolean.
JPA performance – SELECT DISTINCT and/or Java Set
I have a Spring Boot application with a JpaRepository. I am trying right now to obtain all the unique values for a certain field in my db. Let’s suppose I have an object Foo with an Integer PK id and a non-unique Integer field bar. I want to get all the unique values for bar and I’m wondering which query
Java ORM vs multiple entities
I have a class Health Check – as part of the class I record how many parasites are seen (enum NONE, SOME, MANY) and also the location of the parasites (enum HEAD, FEET, BODY). Two ways this could be done: METHOD 1 Health Check Parasite Or I could have: METHOD 2 Would method 1 require @Entity on parasite class and
Fetch list of forms that are belong to a specific student
I have a class of Form and Student. A student may have 0 or many forms. I set the relation between them as OneToMany. Now, I need to fetch the forms that are owned by a specific student. I have two questions at that point. How should I fetch those forms in the URL? Let’s say I want to fetch
failed to convert java.lang.String to com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.MapperFeature
application.properties how can i resolve this error please help !! Answer You appear to have a typo in the name of the Jackson mapper property: It should be “inclusion”, not “inclusions”:
Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Query argument creationDateTime not found in the list of parameters provided during query execution
I am trying to cover the case where the :creationDateTime is Null to get the same result as the following query “SELECT o FROM ExtraNetOrder o”. I searched it on the internet and found the solution by adding IS NULL, but it does not work in my case. Currently I am getting the following error: Caused by: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Query argument
Combine JPA Query annotation with Oracle sample method
i am trying to pass a parameter into a JPA query Example code But i get an error because of the sample(:percentile). If i just hardcode a number in there it works but not with a param. Is there a way to escape the brackets or something similar? Thx Answer The error is on the following part Unfortunately it does
My Spring JPA queries do not work with H2
This query below does not work and it generates me an exception When I used the MySQL database, the query worked fine. But now that I am using the H2 database, it suddenly does not work. Why? How do I fix this? Answer It would be better to use JPA. If you still wanna use nativeQuery, use like this: