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Tag: join

2 consecutive stream-stream inner joins produce wrong results: what does KStream join between streams really do internally?

The problem setting I have a stream of nodes and a stream of edges that represent consecutive updates of a graph and I want to build patterns composed of nodes and edges using multiple joins in series. Let’s suppose I want to match a pattern like: (node1) –[edge1]–> (node2). My idea is to join the stream of nodes with the

How to join two tables with a group query using Hibernate (5.4) Criteria?

This is my Project Entity: ( ) This is my Task Entity: ( ) Desired DTO: ( ) Table structure in database: tasks: id title description project_id projects: id name description The main question: What I need now is to join the “projects” table and “tasks” table grouping by the “project_id” column. And obtain List as output.

HQL Join with three tables

I’m having some issues with HQL since I’m a newbie with it. Even though I don’t have issues with “simple queries”, I am currently stuck with a query involving three tables. I have already gone through some tutorials, but I haven’t been able to find a valid example for my needs. I have tried my best to explain my problem:

How to join tables using sqlite in android

I am trying to find out how to do a simple table join on my two tables using a sqlite database in an android application. Is the simplest way to use CursorJoiner or is there any easier way? Answer In the implementation of SQLiteDatabase and SQLiteQueryBuilder you will see that it is possible to pass the tables you want to
