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Tag: jjwt

Can’t find io.jsonwebtoken.impl.DefaultJwtBuilder when starting project in a docker container

When starting my Quarkus project locally with mvn quarkus:dev I have no errors when executing a function which utilizes JJWT. However when I export my project into a docker container it gives me an error stating that it can’t find DefaultJwtBuilder. When dockerizing my project I first execute ./mvnw package -Pnative -Dquarkus.native.container-build=true as stated in the Quarkus docs for creating

How do I get a custom field out of the payload using JJWT

OK, I am adding a couple of custom claims to the payload when I generate the JWT, and I can pull those out just fine in my front-end (javascript). I then have my javascript send an ajax call to a micro-service and it passes the JWT along with it. I want to get my custom claims out of the JWT
