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Tag: jframe

How to make all images in Grid Overlay flush?

I am trying to implement a GUI for a maze-based game I created that meets the following specific conditions: The GUI itself has a set size and is not resizable (line 41) . The master panel (line 57) that contains all the maze images is scrollable. All maze image components are flush with each other. If maze is small enough,

Is there a way to hide all elements in JFrame

I’m currently working on Java application and I’m using JFrame and inside of JFrame i have some buttons, labels and textfields. I’m in need of hiding all the elements that are in JFrame. I don’t need to hide JFrame itself, only the elements in it so I can display some others. Is there a way to hide them all without

Why it will still appear “Incorrect account or password or user type” after I login successful? [closed]

Closed. This question needs debugging details. It is not currently accepting answers. Edit the question to include desired behavior, a specific problem or error, and the shortest code necessary to reproduce the problem. This will help others answer the question. Closed 1 year ago. Improve this question I’ve tried but just can’t figure out why, thanks for helping if there

traverse an array in GUI Java

I am doing a questionnaire with questions and written answers. I need that when adding the answer, press the main button, tell me if it is correct or not and show me the other question of the array, until the array is finished. Here I upload the whole code. Answer You have the right idea, but you need to process

How to change the default JFrame Window color?

I am building an app for Windows using Java Swing/AWT interfaces in IntelliJ Idea. I am using a default JFrame to display my application GUI. However, I would like to change the default frame outline (window) colour to either transparent or custom colour. Here is what I am trying to achieve: This is the window I have: These two are

Variables passes as null to another Java Frame in Netbeans

I am trying to take a value from MSSQL to a class. In my login GUI frame the variable passes exactly right, but when i pass that class object to another frame the name (String ograd) variable returns as null. Here’s the file: file where i take variables from my MSSQL database with Button click, which works fine.
