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Tag: jdbc

ResultSet to HashMap

I am trying to pass the output of a ResultSet to Java HashMap. While the Output1 is showing all the records(from the DB). The put command only takes the last value from the ResultSet in. Output1: Output2: How do I make the put command to iterate over the results from the ResultSet? Answer All your IDs are identical (502332262), and

org.hibernate.internal.util.config.ConfigurationException: Could not locate cfg.xml resource [/HibernateTest/src/hibernate.cfg.xml]

I am trying to connect to Postgresql9.1 in ubuntu with pgadmin3. My Pgadmin3 GUI tool does not give any option to create tables by right clicking the database, but it is available in some videos I saw. Therefore, I used terminal to create the database and it showed up in pgadmin3. my file structure My Userdetails file My HibernateCaller file

How do I configure PostgreSQL with Grails 3.0?

I am using IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.2 as an IDE. I have created a Grails 3.0 application and changed it a bit to configure PostgreSQL. Here is my dataSource: And in my build.gradle I added runtime “postgresql:postgresql:9.4-1207.jdbc4”. But that gives errors when I run: What have I missed? Answer Data source Build Config Change the jre number according to your db

Use JDBC/Mysql Connector in intellij idea

I’m new in Java, and I need to establish a connection to a MySQL server (local), I have add the libraries in Intellij idea but it seems not work, the IDE can’t find the class i think… I become crazy I’m searching since two hours… I come from visual studio/c# dev environment and i think that i should miss something…
