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Tag: javafx

How to redirect output from System.out to JavaFx TextArea

I’m trying to create a simple app that allows me to redirect all System.out to a JavaFX TextArea within my app. For this, I created a CustomOutputStream class from the OutputStream class. Here’s the code for it: In my file, I put TextArea as protected so I can access it from another class in the same package: Now this

How to use global arguments for Java in vscode?

I am trying to setup my JavaFX enviroment so I referenced the corresponding Jars. In order to run the code I need to use some VM Arguments (“vmArgs”: ” –module-path /Users/adrif/Downloads/javafx-sdk- –add-modules javafx.controls,javafx.fxml”) in the launch.json. I am working in a multi-project folder so every time a make a new one I have to go to the launch.json and add

JavaFX: How to overwrite button action in custom Dialog

I work on desktop application based on JDK 8 and JavaFX. I created custom dialog class with 2 buttons(finish and cancel). My goal is to return the list of strings added in dialog (after clicking finish button, dialog returns list. Cancel makes return empty list). I have problem, beacause function showAndWait return type of button which I clicked (‘ButtonType.FINISH’ or

JavaFX – Change ListView’s FocusModel

I have a ListView and am currently overriding the SelectionModel to prevent selection of the items, but when you attempt to select an item, it is still showing the outline. Reading over the API, I found that I can do the same thing but this time by overriding the FocusModel using And here is my SettingsFocusModel It is not working

package javafx.util does not exist?

I am using openjdk version “1.8.0_252” and I also separately install the javafx and currently the version is javafx.version=11.0.2-internal. I have added the javafx lib path in the intellij. There is no error while writing the code javafx Pair. However when I build the project with sudo mvn clean install I got build failure with the following error: Answer The

Reference control by fx:id

I have a calendar screen I have designed for class using JavaFX and Scene Builder. The part where I’ve placed the number is a label and the part that, currently, says “None”, is a button. I want to reference the value in the Label when I select the Button so that I can display the Appointments for the user for

Metadata from Media is null, JavaFX

I’m trying to get artist’s name from a song in my listview on click of a button but i’m getting this And here is my code How do i print it normally, only once? Answer Your listener will be invoked when any of the metadata change. Since you’re only interested in when the artist changes, and is changed to a
