My problem is that when I use setResizable(false) one white border is shown on my scene. When I don’t set it false works fine, but I need to set it false. Code: My ImageView is inside of my AnchorPane Answer I had the same issue, I resolved in this way: You have to set the scene before setting the resizable
Tag: javafx-2
JavaFX 2 set/get cursor position
How can I set/get the cursor’s position in JavaFX 2? I tired googling the answer but found nothing useful. All I can do is setting the cursor’s style. Answer You can use robot for that purpose: AWT robot: or glass robot:; which could be created with:; To get the cursor position, see other post for this question
How to use FXMLLoader.load() – JavaFX 2
I am building a JavaFX application using the JavaFX Scene Builder. The interface was created in the Scene Builder and a FXML file (main.fxml) was created. To use the interface in my application I must load the FXML file using the FXMLLoader, but there is a problem because the load() method returns an Object, and to build a Scene I
Headless environment error in java.awt.Robot class with MAC OS
I am trying to capture screen shots in my JavaFX application using Robot class, this is the code which I used in my application: It is working perfectly in windows operating system, but showing an error of headless environment in MAC OS at Robot robot = new Robot(); Answer This is to answer my own question, after searching many resources.
Tab key navigation in JavaFX TextArea
How do I make hitting the Tab Key in TextArea navigates to the next control ? I could add a listener to cath de key pressed event, but how do I make te TextArea control to lose it focus (without knowing the next field in the chain to be focused) ? Answer This code traverse focus if pressing TAB and
RequestFocus in TextField doesn’t work
I use JavaFX 2.1 and I created GUI using FXML, in the controller of this GUI I added myTextField.requestFocus();. But I always get the focus in the other control. Answer At the time of initialize() controls are not yet ready to handle focus. You can try next trick: For tricky complex applications (like Pavel_K has in the comments) you may
Javafx Pane vs Region?
According to the documentation, both Region and Pane will resize any resizable child nodes to their preferred size, but will not reposition them. So i can’t see where the differencies between these …
Javafx 2.0 How-to Application.getParameters() in a file
Considering the following sample. How to access to arguments/parameters of the application in the controller? Thank you. NB: I’ve tried to mix and in only one Class file, but didn’t help. (simplified): (simplified): MyView.fxml (simplified): Answer 1. The most straightforward way is to save them in the app: and read them in the controller: 2. A