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Tag: java-8

JMETER non gui: Not able to generate folder using jmeter command line

I am unable to generate a folder/HTML report of jmeter in the command line. I have previously upgraded to the latest java and somehow it did not work. I have downloaded jdk8 but encountered this message below: jmeter: line 128: [: : integer expression expected jmeter: line 199: /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home -v 1.8.331.09/bin/java: No such file or directory Answer You’re using

Java 8 calculate how many 1st of the months between two dates

I have two dates: I want the result = 1 (for the date, 2022-04-01) Answer tl;dr See this code run live at 1 Details First, parse the inputs as LocalDate objects. The LocalDate#datesUntil method creates a stream of LocalDate objects between the two values. We can filter that stream to keep only the ones whose day-of-month is 1 (the

OpenJdK 8 – Can’t compile package javafx.util does not exist

I build my java project by Maven. When I try to compile my java project by OpenJdk 1.8.0_322: I get error: P.S. If I use jdk1.8.0_202 from Oracle the project success compile! P.P.S. The project must be compile by java 8. It’s client requirements. Answer tl;dr Either: Develop/deploy on a JDK that includes the OpenJFX libraries. Add the OpenJFX libraries
