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Tag: jackson

Jackson subtypes – how to specify a default

I want to do something like this with subtypes. I have 3 different types of objects: value can either be a string or an object. The corresponding Java classes are I don’t mind having a discriminator inside Obj1 and Obj2, but there is no place for one when the value is just a string. Is there a way that I

Convert Java object to json string containing a json string property already

Consider a Java object like following: so when we do, I was expecting something like: instead I got it as a json value wrapped into a double quotes and skipped by backslashes as it was double jsonized – if this is actually a verb – Answer I managed to overcome this problem by using @JsonRawValue From documentation it states

Deserialize empty JSON array into empty TreeMap

I’m new to Java, and I’m wondering how to deserialize an empty JSON array into an empty Java object of type TreeMap<String, MyOtherClass>. Currently, I’m attempting to deserialize a JSON file with an array of objects, and each object into a class called MyClass. The class is roughly as follows: One of the entries in the original JSON is this

Ktorm entities as springboot controller parameters

I’m trying to use Ktorm in my new springboot application, and get myself into problem when trying to use Ktorm entities interfaces as springboot controller parameters. The entity and Controller look like this: I got this exception once calling function addTask(): [HttpMessageConversionException] Type definition error: [simple type, class website.smsqo.entity.Task]; nested exception is: [com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.InvalidDefinitionException] Cannot construct instance of website.smsqo.entity.Task (no Creators,

Jackson serializes Enum to NAME not value (XML) Java

I have this Enum defined: I have a model object that has a OutputFormatEnum variable called OutputFormat. When I set this variable to OutputFormatEnum.PDF, it is initially registered as “pdf” which is what it should be. When I then execute the following code: It sets the value of OutputFormat in streamTemplate to “PDF”, where it should be “pdf” (the value

How to deserialize json to nested custom map via gson?

I have the following json To deserialize it, I have the following data model class. I am not getting any deserialization error when I am using gson but the profiles variable is coming as null. This is how I am deserializing. var json = gson.fromJson(data,json.class) inside the match object there can be a dynamic number of usernames not just two

Jackson deserialise JSON with many dynamic nodes

I’m trying to deserialize a JSON file with the format of But I don’t want to create a class for each language (thousands) so I wrote a custom LanguageDeserializer which gives me back the List<Language> that I want I have a parent class to wrap the results: So when I try and use it The languages list is always empty.

How to convert an input into a method that the program will understand

I’m currently working on my homework about client and server topic: I created a class called which will take three variables (year, make, model) from and pass them to then the Server will get information from and display the information about price, miles vv… As I understand, the program didn’t recognize the request that pass to
