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Tag: jackson

Spring with Jackson set JsonAutoDetect globally

In my spring boot web application, I want to serialize many different classes to JSON when I return them from the function of a request mapping. These classes only contain private fields without getters. In order for Jackson to serialize these private fields I can annotate all those classes with the following annotation, which works perfectly fine as expected. But

Different @JsonProperty config for READ and WRITE on same field?

I have a class (which cannot be modified) like When deserializing I get data like: As I cannot modify the Standing class I have a mix-in like: As the received json does not have positionNumber and positionText fields I use the @JsonPropery annotations. With Access.READ_ONLY I simply ignore the positionNumber field. And with @JsonProperty(value = “position”, access = JsonProperty.Access.WRITE_ONLY) on

Jackson deserialize JSON into pojo with map property

Can somebody help me, how I can deserialize the following JSON, which I can not change? I am using Jackson for serialization. Columns can have unknown number of headers and their value eg. “Header1” is used in the rows array. So far I have the following structure: The problem is that the Map is empty when I deserialize into QueryResult;

Parse a json list into list of object Java

I have a response as follows I want to map this json to a POJO object and have created this class I am currently using this way to read this The size of events is 2 but each event is coming as null instead of a map. Can Someone please help me ? Answer To achieve your goal you have

Jackson module not registered after update from Spring Boot 2.4.x to 2.5.x [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Spring Boot 2.5.0 and InvalidDefinitionException: Java 8 date/time type `java.time.Instant` not supported by default (4 answers) Closed 6 months ago. After updating my spring-boot-starter-parent version from 2.4.8 to 2.5.4, I started having this error with jackson serialization, when trying to deserialize a LocalDate: To my knowledge, this shouldn’t happen (and it doesn’t on previous

@JsonIdentityInfo serialization of items

I’m trying to serialize relations using @JsonItentityInfo to avoid circular references. I’ve created a test to try test the result of the serialization, and I’ve found that jackson is not behaving as I expected. The serialization in not what I though it would be and, in fact, when I try to desarialize the serializated object, an exception is thrown. The
