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Tag: intellij-idea

@PropertySource fails to autowire required class (Spring Boot 2.3.8.RELEASE)

I have the following class I plan on using to autowire an instance of a Spring class named AADAppRoleStatelessAuthenticationFilter: Although the default-integration.yml file is well placed under /resources (no ‘FileNotFoundException’ is thrown), it seems like during the application start-up, Spring, for whatever reason, is not able to read it’s content (or disregards it while trying to initialize aadAppRoleStatelessAuthenticationFilter). It throws

Intellij strange compilation errors

i forced my computer to restart after freezing and i found out that my IDE IntelliJ Community Edition, I am seeing some strange compilation errors. According to the compiler, but my application is running perfectly how can i fix it Answer you can fix this problem by going to File -> invalidate caches -> invalidate and restart

Java cucumber Selenium : NullPointerException for scenario.write for the first scenario on before tag

I am getting the NullPointerException when the code below code is executed. Note that the exception is recieved only for the first cucumber scenario executed. There is no exception for the second scenario. I am actually trying to insert the timestamp before start of each scenario. Please advise how this issue can be fixed. Any help will be appreciated. I

Spring Batch Wildcard ItemWriter

I have one dummy question. To explain my use-case, I have different type of DAOs; say Users, Beers… etc. I wanted to use one generic ItemWriter for all of them. I created a CommonComponentConfiguration where I defined; The writer class goes like this; So far everything is okay. Where things gets complicated is, I have seperate configuration classes for each

IntelliJ Exe build not working as I expected

I am working on a JavaFX Application, which is a conferencing application. The application is running fine with IDEA. But my target is to build an exe from my application which would run standalone. I have configured an Artifact to build exe where I set the values for Application Class Title Vendor Version Native Bundle (exe) Enable Signing with Self

Is this IntelliJ inspection warning a false positive?

I’m looking at from Looking at this part of the file: There is an inspection saying that “Condition i < payload.length is always false.” I don’t see how it could always be false. recordSize is an Integer coming from a command-line parameter. Is there something I’m not seeing here? Answer This warning happened with IntelliJ IDEA 2020.*. The

Connecting multiple databases

I would like to connect my application with 2 different databases. This is what I have tried: And so in I have added: But Intellij tells me: Cannot resolve configuration property ‘spring.wald.datasource.url’ What am I doing wrong? Answer Instead of returning DataSource, you could return DataSourceProperties, like: Also, the dependency spring-boot-configuration-processor will be required. Important: After that’s done, you
