I am trying to run the jar file of my project. I am working on intelliJ and have use artifacts to generate the jar file. But everytime i am trying to run my jar file its giving me exception. And this is my manifest file: The project’s external libraries: Answer Some of your dependency JARs is a signed JAR, so
Tag: intellij-idea
How do I configure PostgreSQL with Grails 3.0?
I am using IntelliJ IDEA 15.0.2 as an IDE. I have created a Grails 3.0 application and changed it a bit to configure PostgreSQL. Here is my dataSource: And in my build.gradle I added runtime “postgresql:postgresql:9.4-1207.jdbc4”. But that gives errors when I run: What have I missed? Answer Data source Build Config Change the jre number according to your db
When creating a Java class in IntelliJ: is there a wizard/menu to select the package and class to extend from?
One of the features I like of Eclipse is that when creating Java classes, a wizard is available to specify different properties for the class. Like its package, class to extend from…etc (see below in the screen cap). Does IntelliJ provide something similar? I created a class but the process wasn’t smooth. I had to…mark /java directory as Source Root…create
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/servlet/ServletContext
I just upgraded to IntelliJ 15.0 from 14.1 (I was in a hurry and forgot to save the previous plug state for 14.1) and I’m attempting to configure general run/debug configuration settings with Spring Boot in Intellij using Gradle. In the configuration tab I have added 1) the Main class, 2) JRE, and 3) class path of module in IntelliJ.
Start DialogFragment from Activity
I’m learning Android programming with IntelliJ right now and got a little problem. I’ve got an Activity which looks like this: And this is how my DialogFragment looks like I’ve tried nearly everything, creating a new instance and start the method, using FragmentManager, which i wasn’t able to use. What should I do? Answer for approved namings use About instead
How can I change the Kotlin compiler version on IntelliJ?
In IntelliJ you can set the target Java version like this: Unfortunately I don’t see a place where I can do the same for Kotlin. This makes it not possible for me to use Quasar-Kotlin. I want to switch to M14 even though I have 1.0 beta installed. How can I change back? After changing the build.gradle file back to
How to get to the end of a line in android studio
Is there a way to get the cursor to the end of the current line? That is, without using the End key, Ctrl + Left/Right or the mouse. It’s time consuming to get to the end of the line when there’s some code after the cursor. eg. In a strings.xml file, the end tag is automatically generated and after inserting
How to enable CSS editing in Intellij
I just switched to IntelliJ IDEA because I thought it would be great for developing JavaFX application. I must be doing something wrong because when I am editing a CSS file, there is no code-completion. When I am trying to create a new CSS file there is no option for CSS files. I am using the community version of IntelliJ.
Intellij-idea reverse paste into string (aka copy from string)?
In Intellij idea if you paste some text into a string literal (between double quotes) the java editor can automatically reformat the pasted text – ie to place necessary escaping characters for double quotes new lines etc. I want to do reverse, ie when copying text from inside a string literal the editor to place the clean text in the
Rearrange modifier keywords in IntelliJ
Is there any way to automatically rearrange modifier keywords in IntelliJ? For example, if I have the following code: Rearrange it to: Answer Go to Settings and enable the Editor | Inspections | Java | Code style issues | Missorted modifiers inspection. It has a quick fix to sort the modifiers. This inspection is also part of Analyze | Code