During a Hibernate Session, I am loading some objects and some of them are loaded as proxies due to lazy loading. It’s all OK and I don’t want to turn lazy loading off. But later I need to send some of the objects (actually one object) to the GWT client via RPC. And it happens that this concrete object is
Tag: hibernate
What is a natural identifier in Hibernate?
While reading through the Hibernate documentation, I keep seeing references to the concept of a natural identifier. Does this just mean the id an entity has due to the nature of the data it holds? E.g. A user’s name + password + age + something are used as a compound identitifier? Answer In Hibernate, natural keys are often used for
How to map a PostgreSQL array with Hibernate
Has anyone successfully mapped a numeric array in PostgreSQL to a numeric array in Java via Hibernate? SQL: Mapping: Class: I get an exception when querying the table. Answer Hibernate does not support database arrays (e.g. ones mapped to java.sql.Array) out of the box. array and primitive-array types provided by Hibernate are for mapping Java arrays into backing table –
How should equals and hashcode be implemented when using JPA and Hibernate
How should model class’s equals and hashcode be implemented in Hibernate? What are the common pitfalls? Is the default implementation good enough for most cases? Is there any sense to use business keys? It seems to me that it’s pretty hard to get it right to work in every situation, when lazy fetching, id generation, proxy, etc are taken into
Display Hibernate Query in JTable
I’m seeking an efficient way to display an SQL table queried via Hibernate in a JTable. It would probably be preferable to use the List returned by that (In this case, that would make a list of Files objects (where Files is an internal class, not java.io.File)), but I won’t be picky as long as it is neat. I have
hibernate column name issues
I specifically need the above code to create a column named “DateOfBirth,” instead Hibernate gives me a column named date_of_birth. How can I change this? Is there a web.xml property? I came across DefaultNamingStrategy and ImprovedNamingStrategy, but not sure how to specify one or the other. Answer Here is a possible workaround: if you name it dateofbirth the column in