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Tag: hibernate

How to disable the Hypersistence banner when using hibernate-types-52 in Spring Boot?

I use the com.vladmihalcea:hibernate-types-52 dependency in my Spring Boot Project. And, I notice that on application boot, some large log messages were added: The hint is nice and the project sounds actually interesting, but still want to have the banner removed from my application. Answer There is a description by the Project Owner why the banner was introduced, why it

The increment size of the sequence is set to [50] in the entity mapping while the associated database sequence increment size is [1]

I’m following the Learn Spring 5 etc on udemy and I’m at the part where we test our application. Everything worked fine till now, i was able to connect to the postgreSQL database and all but now I’m stuck at this test failing since 2 days. I don’t understand what is causing the Test to fail. The application run but applied on writes but not on reads?

I’m using: spring boot 2.0.4.RELEASE spring-data-jpa 2.0.9.RELEASE hibernate-core 5.2.17.Final hibernate-jpa-2.1-api 1.0.0.Final postgres jdbc driver 42.2.9 I have the following entity: and the following property set in application.yaml: Regardless of what the JVM timezone/default timezone is, I want to save and return timestamps in UTC. For testing purposes, I have set the timezone of my application code to US/Hawaii: When I

Why has javax.persistence-api been replaced by jakarta.persistence-api in spring data jpa starter?

I’ve recently started to learn spring boot, data jpa. As I can see from this, the spring boot data jpa starter uses jakarta.persistence-api instead of javax.persistence-api: What is the differences between jakarta.persistence-api and javax.persistence-api? What is the reason of this replacement? Answer From Java Persistence API on Wikipedia: The Java Persistence API (JPA), in 2019 renamed to Jakarta Persistence, is
