I start the server, I can’t fill out the list in any way, the database is connected and working, table work, I can’t extract data from the table and make a connection with the hibernate orm And if I try to add writes: Caused by: org.hibernate.MappingException: Unknown entity: ru.todolist.javafx.objects.Task class TaskHibernateImpl class Task object model File hibernate.cfg.xml hibernate configuration file
Tag: hibernate
Java spring hibernate JPA @ManyToAll findAll() slow on large data, many subqueries created
I have 2 classes, Aircraft and Operator, with a one to many relationship from Operator to Aircraft. A findAll() call on the Operator table, which has around 10k rows, from the JPA Repository runs quickly, in just a few seconds, but the findAll() call on the Aircraft table, which has around 65k rows, sometimes takes minutes to execute. Also, I’ve
@Column settings in case of externally managed database schema
When externally managing the database schema (e.g. with Liquibase), in addition to specifying the Liquibase changesets, you have to help Hibernate understand your data structure using JPA annotations. While some annotations concern higher level abstractions of the underlying data like @Embedded or @OneToMany, other lower level annotations, such as @Column(length = 255, nullable = false), seem only to represent what
JPA integrity constraint violated – parent key not found when trying to save entity with JoinColumn
I am trying to save a User Entity with Roles under it. It seems like since the roles do not have their user id foreign key set it fails to save, is there a way to tell jpa to set the role’s user id after it saves the user but before it saves the user’s roles? Or will I need
CriteriaBuilder slows down during ~15000 executions
Spring 5.3 with Hibernate 5.6: I am experiencing some performance issues after rewrite/migration from Hibernate Criteria API to JPA CriteriaBuilder for a findByCriteria method that runs ~15k times during startup of my app. Normally, this would take maybe one minute using Criteria API but when I have the JPA code run, all is good until ~9k iterations (which takes about
Spring boot “no transaction is in progress” with 2 datasources
I have two databases and i’m trying to save some records to both of them inside a service method. This gives me the error: org.springframework.dao.InvalidDataAccessApiUsageException: no transaction is in progress; nested exception is javax.persistence.TransactionRequiredException: no transaction is in progress. Here is entities: And here is one of the config files for multiple db connection: And here is the other one:
Can’t create one_to_one relationship: Unknown mappedBy in
I try to create an OneToOne relationship between two tables but I receive errors. I used a lot of tutorials but nothing helps. For example baeldung tutorial: Project structure: The error: Gradle: application.properties: Answer You need to use a field name for mappedby, not a column name. In you case, it should be @OneToOne(mappedBy = “personalData”).
PostgreSQL’s JSONB data type with Hibernate: Error creating bean with name ‘entityManagerFactory’ defined in class path resource-Unable to load class
Now I learn about nested jsons and geojson and how to save them in PostgreSQL as JsonB directly in database and before starting. Inspiration source: https://thorben-janssen.com/persist-postgresqls-jsonb-data-type-hibernate/ Error I get when running the app: Here is the Main Entity: Here is the geojson(nested json) I want to save as Jsonb in a column in database: Here is the implementation of Usertype
how to define how many levels of objects to get in a JSON in java with jpa?
if we have a Product and Supplier object, where Product has a supplier and a supplier has a Product, how can we indicate to the entities that this is not an infinite cycle when obtaining the JSON of a product? this would be something like how could we configure this in java with JPA by levels? so that it is
WARN: HHH90000028: Support for “ is deprecated hibernate log
This is the complete log message: WARN: HHH90000028: Support for <hibernate-mappings/> is deprecated [RESOURCE : resources/hibernate-configs/hibernate-mappings/mappings.hbm.xml]; migrate to orm.xml or mapping.xml, or enable hibernate.transform_hbm_xml.enabled for on the fly transformation I’ve tried to look for solutions on the internet. However, articles regarding this log message are scarce. I found this github page which is part of hibernate: DeprecationLogger.java This part of