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Tag: heap-memory

for-loop very slow on Android device

I just ran into an issue while trying to write an bitmap-manipulating algo for an android device. I have a 1680×128 pixel Bitmap and need to apply a filter on it. But this very simple code-piece actually took almost 15-20 seconds to run on my Android device (xperia ray with a 1Ghz processor). So I tried to find the bottleneck

Heap allocation and suitable hardware

For a C# .net 3.5 application which unavoidably creates a lot of data on the heap, in terms of hardware what would I be looking for in terms of memory? Would it just be the largest socket bus width? Or the “bandwidth” of the memory sticks? Or the actual frequency they run at? We have concluded the bottleneck of our

JAVA_OPTS for increasing heap size

I want to increase my Heap size. How can I use JAVA_OPTS for doing so.I am getting the following error may be this is because of low heap size Answer You should be able to use the information found in this post. where zzz is your minimum size. where zzz is your maximum size. You can find more info on

Android Resources Class Memory Usage

I’m making modifications to the Android 4.0 launcher and I have been running into many OutOfMemoryErrors. Since the 4.0.3 update it got much worse (or started, it seems before it was fine, but I never got to test properly) and I have tried many many things to fix it. The error is also in the stock launcher without my modifications.

Setting Java Heap Size under Apache Karaf

I apologize if this is a duplicate, but I can’t seem to find this answered anywhere. What is the best way to increase the maximum Java heap size when using Apache Karaf? Currently, I modified the following line in the karaf.bat file: set DEFAULT_JAVA_OPTS=-server -Xmx<NewMaxValue>M. I feel like modifying the bat file is not the best solution. Additionally, none of
