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Tag: heap-memory

Odd heap usage pattern

I have a repeating process that: gets some data from the database builds some objects in memory, adding to a Collection writes the data from the Collection to a file All of the objects/Collections go out of scope or are set to null after each iteration. (The Collection is reused for each iteration.) Using Java VisualVM, I see a graph

Increase the java heap space of a certain app

I have an application that I want to run it and gives it more heap memory. I run my application using this command in terminal: home/bin/hadoop jar $pathofjarfile parameter1 parameter2 but I don’t know how to allocate more heap memory when running this application? if anyone could please advise. Answer The easiest method to increase the heap space is using

Memory map for Neo4j embedded

When using Neo4j in the embedded mode (Java API), one can manually set memory map settings using the following API calls (or similar): My question is: Is the mapped memory allocated out of Java heap/extended memory or from the rest of the memory available. I know that for Neo4j server the latter is correct as long as it is run
