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Tag: hashmap

Hashmap – returning key and setting it as value of an object

I have two CSV files, one “crimeUSA.csv” with the headers state, city, population etc. and one StatesAbbreviations with the headers states, abbrev . First I read the “crimeUSA.csv” file and create CityCrime objects. Instead of using the state in this file, I want to match it with the state in the StatesAbbreviations file and set the state as the appropriate

Using HashMap dynamically for parameter mapping in mybatis

Okay so this is kinda re-posting of this question Inserting HashMap Values to a table using ibatis (but I am looking for a different way – the answer wont work for me).. DB1GetStudentDataMapper.xml (this queries to one database) DB2InsertStudentMapper.xml (this queries to different database) Note: Just for example I used 4 columns – I have some 150+ columns

Hasmap merge function value inside an object

I am trying to get a quantity count of products from a list of sales. So what I have is: The current way I have done it is based on this answer of integers: how to merge more than one hashmaps also sum the values of same key in java So, right now im traversing a list of sale objects,

Converting POJO into map

I have a Java class having 10 attributes, I want to convert this into 3 maps(Breaking it into 5,3,2 fields resepectively). I did some research and found that Jackson’s ObjectMapper can be used by doing something like this: This will be creating a single map for all the attributes in my POJO. What I want is have this POJO converted

How can UserDefined class be a key of hashmap if hashCode() & equals() return same value

I am trying to implement HashMap with UserDefined class as Key, i am successfull even when I implement both hashCode() (returns 0 for every object) & equals() (returns false for every object). My Code output:- Can anyone let me know the reason how it’s working Answer This is happening because equals is returning false. The equals/hashCode contract is completely broken.
