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Tag: gradle

@Generated annotation using gradlew + dagger

I’m confronting a weird issue using gradlew(4.10.2) + dagger(2.18). The problem is when I call: The build fails with: Task :Common:compileDebugJavaWithJavac FAILED / error: package javax.annotation.processing does not exist import javax.annotation.processing.Generated; / error: cannot find symbol @Generated( But if I run the task from Android Studio, the task succeed and the @Generated is not present in the dagger generated class.

java 10 gradle project : automatic module not found

I created a java 10 project with intelliJ, using gradle. I copied some stuff into it (some “AppFx” class using the library guava and javaFx, and a personal build.gradle file). I also added a file in src/main/java with this content: in which grava is an automatic module. here is the relevant part of build.gradle: intelliJ can compile the project

How do you invoke schemagen in Java 11?

According to Oracle documentation the schemagen tool is removed from the JDK as part of JEP 320 ( That JEP points to Maven artifacts that now supply the missing tools. The coordinates of the artifacts are wrong in the JEP, updated coordinates are found in an answer to this question: Which artifacts should I use for JAXB RI in my

How do I create a jar with all dependencies using Gradle 4.4?

This question is related to this one — however, due to the deprecation of compile in favor of implementation, it doesn’t work. It does pick up dependencies that are declared with compile. However, with it being deprecated, using it isn’t an option (and we’d be right back here when it’s removed anyway) I got this Gradle task: And there’s just
