when I click on run, it displays this message in a dialog box. ‘ Glassfish server could not be started with JDK 16. Please select another Java SE platform. And then it displays this error Deployment error: Could not find Java SE Development Kit to start GlassFish Server See the server log for details. Is it a issue with glassfish
Tag: glassfish
Does GlassFish servlet container use that catalina?
I am running the same servlet application in both Apache Tomcat and GlassFish servers. I wanted to see the ServletConfig and ServletContext implementation class names. Surprisingly, I found that GlassFish is also using from Apache Tomcat’s catalina classes. Is my observation correct? If yes, why isn’t GlassFish using its own servlet implementation classes? [ Answer According to this FAQ entry
Glassfish 5.1 missing modules from previous versions
We have an application running on Glassfish 5.0.1 and before that 4.1.1 versions. Recently server is updated to Glassfish 5.1.0 and our application can not be compiled due to the missing of javax.inject.Inject. This relevant jar was in the previous Glassfish versions (in the module folder). So I’d like to hear that in glassfish 5.1 should we add this jar
org.glassfish.jersey.internal.RuntimeDelegateImpl NOT FOUND
I am using jersey for my project and tring to parse a URI from a string. The code is simple, but I get a error below It seems the program can not find the delegate. I already imported javax.ws.rs.core.UriBuilder and have jersey-common 2.0 that should contain the delegate in my build path. But I still get this error. Does someone
Glassfish unable to deploy at root because default-web-module is declared
While trying to deploy to Glassfish Server Open Source Edition (build 5) from both Netbeans and Admin Console the following message is thrown. Eventhough the Applications section of the Admin Console has no deployed applications. I have tried restarting the domain without success. Exception while loading the app : java.lang.Exception: WEB0145: Unable to deploy web module [*module name*] at
Glassfish V2.1.1 Heap size never decrease after server batch job
I’ve set up a glassfish cluster with 1 DAS and 2 Node Agents. The system has TimedObjects which are batched once a day. As glassfish architecture, there is only 1 cluster instance allowed to trigger timeout event of each Timer created by TimerService. My problems is about Heap size of a cluster instance which triggers batch job. The VisualVM shows