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Tag: flutter

Plain text encrypt from Dart code but decrypt from Java code

When I encrypt plain text using Dart,and encrypted text is decrypted from Java code, I get this error: Same IV, salt and passphase value using Java side for key generation, but the generated key is different and also cipher test is different. I am using same method for key generation. I don’t know what is missing in Dart code. Dart

registerForActivityResult is not working in Flutter

I’m trying to launch context from android MainActivity class to flutter. code : and then calling the method launch code : and then I call this method from flutter by creating a channel between flutter and android and invoke it : when I press the sign in button it shows me this exception : Attempt to invoke virtual method ‘$ApplicationThread

how do I fix my flutter app not building with cloud firestore?

So I am new to flutter and firebase and I wanted to add firestore capabilities to my app, but when I tried to use firestore I got an error The plugin cloud_firestore requires a higher Android SDK version. │ │ Fix this issue by adding the following to the file │ │ C:UsersJaffStudioProjectspriv_chatandroidappbuild.gradle: After fixing the SDK version, then I

Flutter/Android: You uploaded an APK which has activity […] but without the ‘android:exported’ property. exported=”true” not working

After uploading my app to the google play store for internal testing, I get the following error message: I’ve tried setting the android:exported=”true” in my manifest like so: But I’m still getting the same error. In my build.gradle files I have these configs: Feels like I have tried everything. Could this be an SDK version issue, or what could I

Cant convert between a TensorFlowLite tensor with type UINT8 and a Java object of type [[F (which is compatible with the TensorFlowLite type FLOAT32)

I’m trying to run a Tflite model on android, with flutter but i’m getting this error- E/AndroidRuntime(18461): Caused by: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Cannot copy to a TensorFlowLite tensor (serving_default_sequential_5_input:0) with 150528 bytes from a Java Buffer with 602112 bytes. E/AndroidRuntime(18461): at org.tensorflow.lite.TensorImpl.throwIfSrcShapeIsIncompatible( E/AndroidRuntime(18461): at org.tensorflow.lite.TensorImpl.setTo( E/AndroidRuntime(18461): at E/AndroidRuntime(18461): at org.tensorflow.lite.InterpreterImpl.runForMultipleInputsOutputs( E/AndroidRuntime(18461): at org.tensorflow.lite.Interpreter.runForMultipleInputsOutputs( E/AndroidRuntime(18461): at E/AndroidRuntime(18461): at E/AndroidRuntime(18461): at

How to fix app:lint error when building flutter app?

For some reason, all of a sudden my app cannot build anymore. First I had flutter devtools problem, then I upgraded to Flutter 2.8.1 and now my app cannot build. I tried upgrading Gradle to 7.3.3 and JDK 17 and still, my app cannot build, I searched the whole GitHub and StackOverflow and cannot find a solution. This was my

Flutter is unable to display video

Even though I had tried adding the dependencies and change the video link to a YouTube link instead, it still the same and does not display the video. May I know how to solve this problem? There are a few errors, I listed it as below: The method ‘VideoPlayer’ isn’t defined for the type ‘_VideoAppState’ Undefined name ‘VideoPlayerController’. Undefined class
