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Tag: elasticsearch

Bulk upload CSV file into Elasticsearch using JavaAPI

I want to bulk upload the csv file into Elasticsearch using JAVA API (without using logstash). Elasticsearch version – 6.6 I have tried the below program using Jackson format to get source Map for IndexRequest. Because I can’t predefined the POJO variables. So I used dynamic Map from CSV file I got the below exception while running the program When

ElasticSearch – Failed to obtain node locks

I have a single node ElasticSearch Cluster in local. I am unable to start elasticsearch service. Getting this error: I have tried the answers of this and this post but couldn’t resolve. OS: RedHat 7.5 All directories in elasticsearch have write permission There is no other elastic instance running , I have confirmed through ps -ef | grep java Please

How to format a date to insert in Elasticsearch

I’m coding a Java app to insert data in Elasticsearch 7.5.1. When creating the index the property was set like this: Now when inserting the date I’m getting this error: I’m currently doing it like this: And checking a working index I can see it’s formatted like this, example: 2019-10-09T11:11:38.879-04:00 What is the mask to create that format? Answer According

ingest-attachment needs more rights

I have an app which uses the elastic search when I do apt ugrade I get I’m not familiar with java at all. Can you tell me what I’m supposed to do? Answer According to the discussion on this is just a warning and by pressing “y” or using the option “-b”, the required permissions are granted. Elastic 7.5

Elasticsearch TransportClient connection [Java]

I am using Elasticsearch in a Java Project using Maven: When I try to initialize a TransportClient in order to index a document it gives me the error: Maybe a need to add more information in config/elasticsearch.yaml about transportartion or the current configuration is wrong. Java code: elasticsearch.yaml: (The other info inside elasticsearch.yaml is commented) localhost:9200 gives me: Answer I
