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Tag: eclipse

Eclipse JPA Tools: Connect with service name instead of SID

I am trying to generate entities from the database tables using JPA Tools features in eclipse. I am aware that we can use service name and connect using The problem is that we don’t have SID due to some constraints and JPA Tools doesn’t allow me to edit the connection URL. Connection URL is a non-editable field in the “New

Cucumber feature file does not identify the steps

I have written my firsy cucumber feature file. When I run the feature file as Cucumber Feature, I get below errors “WARNING: Cucumber-JVM’s –format option is deprecated. Please use –plugin instead.” – I used “plugin” in my @CucumberOptions of runner class, but still getting the same error 2.It says I do not have any scenario and steps Feature: Validate Modular

IndexNotFoundException[no such index]

I was running my first elasticsearch test case, I am using Java as the solution perspective to do elasticsearch experiment. it works perfectly fine in eclipse Debug Mode, the debug mode result: But when I try this on in normal Run application mode, I am getting the following exception and I have no idea at all. Please guide me. The

When creating a Java class in IntelliJ: is there a wizard/menu to select the package and class to extend from?

One of the features I like of Eclipse is that when creating Java classes, a wizard is available to specify different properties for the class. Like its package, class to extend from…etc (see below in the screen cap). Does IntelliJ provide something similar? I created a class but the process wasn’t smooth. I had to…mark /java directory as Source Root…create

java command accessing text files

I want to run my project in the command line with the java command but I get an error, input.txt (no such file or directory) In my program I am reading from the file input.txt and when I compile and run the program from eclipse it works completely fine without any problems, but with the java command I keep on

Several Errors being Logged for File I/O code

Here is my code from learning the File i/o… Whenever I try to open the ABC1.txt file from the workspace folder (In C:), it shows the size of 12.00 MB and whenever I refresh the folder the size also gets increased each time . And another thing I want to mention is, I m not able to see the File

Eclipse web.xml Referenced File Error

I imported a project in eclipse as maven project – I upgraded the web-app versions from 2.5 to 3.1 because it got imported as Dynamic web Module 3.1. Now I am getting the following error : The errors below were detected when validating the file “web-app_3_1.xsd” via the file “web.xml”. In most cases these errors can be detected by validating
