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Tag: checkstyle

Suppressing Google Checkstyle warnings via checkstyle-suppressions.xml

I’m using google_checks.xml as a CheckStyle config in my Gradle project. I need to be able to suppress the MemberName warning in one of my classes, and I can do so using @SuppressWarnings(“checkstyle:MemberName”) if and only if I add SuppressWarningsHolder and SuppressWarningsFilter to google_checks.xml per this post. The problem is that I update google_checks.xml regularly, and I don’t want to

How to configure checkstyle in eclipse using m2e automatically?

I’ve read posts about configuring checkstyle using the m2eclipse plugin, but it seems its not working for the new m2e plugin maintained by eclipse. Is there a way for using the same checkstyle configuration rules in maven and eclipse automatically without falling back to maven-eclipse-plugin? Thanks in advance. Answer The m2e checkstyle plugin, which lives at, is a little

Excluding classes in Maven Checkstyle plugin reports

I have a Maven 2 project and I want to configure my Checkstyle report plugin so that only some of my classes are analysed. I have found the maven.checkstyle.excludes property, but despite passing this as a command line parameter (using -D=maven.checkstyle.excludes=…) I can’t get it to work. I can’t find anything on the Plugin documentation page. Ideally I want to
