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Tag: currency

Android currency symbol ordering

I’m getting on devices with not-english locale, the english currencies formated like this: 1 $ If I have english locale I get euro currency like: € 1 Using Found in the documentation: Returns the localized currency symbol for this currency in locale. That is, given “USD” and Locale.US, you’d get “$”, but given “USD” and a non-US locale, you’d

Parsing prices with Currency Symbol in Java

I want to parse a String that i have into a Number. This is the Code that i’m using but not working: This results in a java.text.ParseException So i want to match the String into a number, i don’t really care about the currency, but it would be nice to have. I want the following kind of Strings matched: Sure,

How to format decimals in a currency format?

Is there a way to format a decimal as following: If it is a round number, omit the decimal part. Otherwise format with two decimal places. Answer I doubt it. The problem is that 100 is never 100 if it’s a float, it’s normally 99.9999999999 or 100.0000001 or something like that. If you do want to format it that way,
