I’m logging the currently executing Scenario in a hook like so: But, how do I get the name of the Step? I mean, the Given, When, Then lines. Answer You would need to implement the ConcurrentEventListener interface and setup the handlers for the event you are looking for, in your case the TestStepStarted event Then implement the method handTestStepStarted
Tag: cucumber
When i run the build in Jenkins i got this Error : Cannot find firefox binary in PATH. Make sure firefox is installed
I created a job Maven Project in Jenkins for the purpose to Compile and execute all my automatic tests, but when i build the job i got this error : i got the same message error for all the scenarios should i create a pipeline in place of project maven ? i recupare my project with the link ssh GitLab
How to link setpDefication and feature file in cucumber is not working
I’m new to Cucumber jJava and had this problem in the initial stages. I’m using the MAVEN project. I have created a feature file, stepDefination file, and Test Runner file. In the feature file, I have mentioned some scenarios and step definition files, write Selenium Java code, and the last TestRunner class I have created and mentioned codes. Answer Check
Error when running springboot with Cucmber and Serenity
I am trying to test my spring boot application using serenity-cucumber. To do this , I have my entry point: Then my Baseclass to be used by step defs, And , one of my step defs is running some dummy tests at this point to work as glue. My feature class: I have imported the following dependencies, (have also tried
Gradle Build Error in Multi-module project: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: at groovyjarjarasm.asm.signature.SignatureReader.parseType
I’m getting Execution failed for task ‘:app-specification:compileTestGroovy’ along with org.gradle.api.tasks.TaskExecutionException: when trying to build gradle. This is a multi-module gradle project with the first module being the main app(SpringBoot app) with some Spock tests and the other module which consists of Cucumber specifications(feature files and step definitions). The gradle build occurs at specifications, which uses the main spring boot application
Cucumber feature file isn’t bound to glue path
I am trying to set up a simple Cucumber project to run with Selenium (The Selenium bits are irrelevant so I removed them). The structure is as follows: sayHiTest.feature: testRunner.java: SayHiTestStepsdefs.java: Trying to run testRunner yields the following error: For some reason, it doesn’t see automated.SayHiTestStepdefs (It prints the same error if I changed its name to say, abc.SayHiTestStepdefs). I
Java cucumber Selenium : NullPointerException for scenario.write for the first scenario on before tag
I am getting the NullPointerException when the code below code is executed. Note that the exception is recieved only for the first cucumber scenario executed. There is no exception for the second scenario. I am actually trying to insert the timestamp before start of each scenario. Please advise how this issue can be fixed. Any help will be appreciated. I
Cucumber With JUnit java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError
I’m new to the UnitTesting and Cucumber, and today I tried to implement a simple example from a tutorial in Intelij and Eclipse and I got the same error when I try run the TestRunner.java. My pom.xml: File .feature TestRunner.java Steps My file structure: And the error: 1 Scenarios (1 failed) 4 Steps (1 failed, 3 skipped) 0m0,225s java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError …
selenium.ScriptTimeoutException: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
I have Cucumber tests that run in parallel via Maven Surefire plugin. Sometimes the code throws me an error: selenium.ScriptTimeoutException: java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException which is obviously related to parallel run. But I have no idea how to avoid it. Here is the whole error log: Answer So the solution was to restrict the number of parallel runs because of resources on my
Getting an exception “org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireBooterForkException: . VM crash or System.exit called?”
I am working on a Selenium Automation project which is based on Maven Cucumber + TestNg. While on run i am getting the below exception not sure but tried all the possibilities of incrementing or decrementing the Surefire versions. Error occurred in starting fork, check output in log Process Exit Code: 1 org.apache.maven.surefire.booter.SurefireBooterForkException: The forked VM terminated without properly saying