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Tag: cucumber

Can’t run testng.xml in Cucumber-Maven(TestNG)

In eclipse IDE, I have created a basic cucumber framework by using Maven project. I have added all the dependencies required in pom.xml.For TestNG plugin added below dependencies. But ‘TestNG Suite’ option was not coming in preferences,so installed TestNG through Help->Install New Software. Framework is having feature file(scenario is described),stepdefinitions(code/logic given) and runner class(To map feature with stepdefinitions file and

Cucumber feature file does not identify the steps

I have written my firsy cucumber feature file. When I run the feature file as Cucumber Feature, I get below errors “WARNING: Cucumber-JVM’s –format option is deprecated. Please use –plugin instead.” – I used “plugin” in my @CucumberOptions of runner class, but still getting the same error 2.It says I do not have any scenario and steps Feature: Validate Modular

Error while running cucumber in junit

Hi i am new to cucumber java. i am trying to run a simple cucumber feature test. below are my feature file, step definition file and junit runner file. but i am not able to run the test succesfully in cucumber-java,cucumber-junit 1.1.6 version. Feature file Stepdefinition file Cucumber runner file I am getting below error: POM.xml But when i am
