JSoup here. I have the following HTML I’m trying to parse: Unfortunately its actually slightly malformed (missing some closing tags, opening and closing tags on <b> and <u> are out of order, etc.) but I’m hoping JSoup can handle that. I don’t have control over the HTML. I have the following Java model/POJO: I am trying to get JSoup to
Tag: css-selectors
Selenium and Java: Finding nested elements without good id-s or selectors
I’m having some trouble finding the text contents of elements in a page, where – sadly – the hierarchy of the small kings creating common components for the Angular applications makes it all but impossible to impose intelligent selectors for the markup. This is the list in question, with all the tags from : Java code: I’m unable to get
org.openqa.selenium.ElementClickInterceptedException: element click intercepted error using Selenium and Java in headless mode
I have a project that I am working on with java and selenium. the test work OK in UI mode. However in headless mode I get this error how can I resolve this issue (working in UI mode). this is my code why in selenium there is no operation to move to the element and break all layers. this is
Selenium – select an input from an angularjs component
I have an AngularJs component that contains an input of type text. I have used the following code to enter a date. It fails most of the times when I run the test headless. There are a few other inputs before the datepicker that I fill in. But when the test reaches datepciker, it fails because it can not find
Finding element using attribute ignoring case
Is there any way to find element using an attribute which must not be case sensitive? Think that, I want to find element by a title like this: But change in the title text won’t affect my WebElement. Answer You can xpath to achieve this. look at below example. The above xpath will convert all uppercase letters from title to
Using Java NIO with Unix Domain sockets in non-blocking mode with selectors
Is there a way to use Unix Domain sockets with Java NIO? I want to use NIO so that I can use Selectors on it in a single thread. I had a look at junixsocket but it only seems to support normal Sockets not NIO channels that support selectors. Answer You can use the project jnr-unixsocket,(https://github.com/jnr/jnr-unixsocket) which is the far