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Tag: collectors

How can I use an If-statement inside the Collector?

The output I require is like this : The structure of this output is: Map<String, List<Pair<String, String>>> Where “Versions” is the key of the Map and [(“0.1″,”true”),(“0.2″,”false”),(“0.3″,”true”)] this is the value of the Map. Now, inside the Map we have a List like: List<Pair<String, String>> eg is this : [(“0.1″,”true”),(“0.2″,”false”),(“0.3″,”true”)] Where “0.1”,”0.2″,”0.3″ is the key of the Pair and “true”,”false”,”true”

Custom Collector that cannot work in parallel

I have made a custom collector that uses a MessageDigest to create a hash. In general MessageDigest does not work in parallel. The issue I’m seeing is in the combiner() method. It is not possible to combine two MessageDigest objects. When I return null it seems to work but if I throw an UnsupportedOperationException it fails. What is the typical

Java 8 List from String and List of String

I want to generate a list of strings, comprising id and external ids, from a list of Bean. I got it using the below code, but here I need to do the stream twice. Is there any better way to rewrite this code? Answer Use Stream.concat inside the flatMap operation:

Java Collectors Grouping By

I have an input of integers and I would like to sort all even numbers before all odd ones in ascending order and preserve the odds order. I am pretty sure I can achieve that with collectors and/or downstream collectors, but I am not sure how to do it. I would like to know how can I sort the false

Convert a list of integers into a comma-separated string

I was trying to convert a list of Integers into a string of comma-separated integers. Collectors.joining(CharSequence delimiter) – Returns a Collector that concatenates the input elements, separated by the specified delimiter, in encounter order. I am getting an error in line number 8: The method collect(Collector<? super Integer,A,R>) in the type Stream is not applicable for the arguments (Collector<CharSequence,capture#20-of ?,String>)

extract list inside a list as a single list

I’ve a two POJOs, Sample code below Controller class This returns me a list of the list: but what I want is a single list like How can I do that with Java 8 streams? I’ve tried flatMap also, but that doesn’t go well with the Object datatype of entries. Answer Consider a List<String> as a field entries in the
