I have made research for a couple hours trying to figure out how to convert a String array to a Int array but no luck. I am making a program where you can encrypt a message by using three rotors. I am able to type a message and get the index number for the first rotor (inner rotor) to encrypt
Tag: arrays
Java slice array as in python
I have an byte array in Java and need to get parts of it. I wanted to work with Java arrays in the same way as I work with Python list, using slices. There is something similar to this in Java? Thank you in advance. Answer You can use Arrays’ (https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/14/docs/api/java.base/java/util/Arrays.html) built-in Arrays#copyOfRange()
Length of Array returning wrong number? [closed]
Closed. This question is not reproducible or was caused by typos. It is not currently accepting answers. This question was caused by a typo or a problem that can no longer be reproduced. While similar questions may be on-topic here, this one was resolved in a way less likely to help future readers. Closed 6 years ago. Improve this question
Retrofit2, Android, @Get Parsing for the Array of Array
I am parsing the title correctly and displaying it in a listview. I cant seem to access the seen below. Here are the two objects, sample response and my call. response pojo: first object second object response: I am getting the title just by passing ‘result’ into the adapter and using result[i].getTitle(); I tried using result[i].Details[0].findMe; but my error response
Java Array vs Scala Array
Seems one difference between Java Array and Scala Array is Java Array is co variant. Scala Array is not. Both are mutable. In java, sort method can take different arrays, such as arrays of String or Int. This is often quoted as a good example of Liskov substitution principle. Seems a good design to me? In Scala we know Array
insert data stored in array list in excel using java
Its been a while i m trying to create a excel sheet to store the crawled data in a table format in a excel , the data is fetched from a url and stored in a array list , this data is needed to be stored in a array list ` Answer Your code is globally correct it has only
Java – Slice any array at steps
In python we are able to do the following: Is there an equivalent to this in Java? I have been looking for this type of array slicing, but I have had no luck. Any help would be great, Thanks! Answer If you are using Java 8, then you can make use of streams and do the following: Outputs: [0, 3,
Java – How to Solve this 2D Array Hour Glass?
I am working on a problem where I’ve to print the largest sum among all the hourglasses in the array. You can find the details about the problem here- What I tried: Input: Output: Expected Output: Screenshot: I don’t know where I’m doing wrong. I cannot understand why the expected output is 13. According to the description given in the
Capitalization of the words in string
How can I avoid of StringIndexOutOfBoundsException in case when string starts with space (” “) or when there’re several spaces in the string? Actually I need to capitalize first letters of the words in the string. My code looks like: Tests: Input: “test test test” Output: “Test Test Test” Input: ” test test test” Output: Expected: ” Test Test test”
Java how to return an array with fibonacci values starting at 1?
I’m writing a void function fibFill which fills an array with Fibonacci numbers. It doesn’t have to return anything. Here’s what I have so far: For example, if I pass an array of length 5 to the method, it will override the contents of the passed array like this: [1, 1, 2, 3, 5] Answer Your fibFill method shouldn’t have