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Why are some maven projects in IntelliJ grayed out?

Why are some maven projects in IntelliJ greyed out? Answer Seems images are better way to answer this question. Projects are greyed out when you ignore them in your IntelliJ workspace. To add those projects or modules back in your workspace, right click on them and click on unignore projects as shown in below screenshot. Alternatively, you can also go

Providing input/subcommands to command executed over SSH with JSch

I’m trying to manage router via Java application using Jcraft Jsch library. I’m trying to send Router Config via TFTP server. The problem is in my Java code because this works with PuTTY. This my Java code: I get Line has an invalid autocommand ‘’ The problem is how can I run those successive commands. Answer Calling ChannelExec.setCommand multiple times

Get progress information during JAXB de-/serialization

Is there a way to register some progress monitor on JAXB Marshaller and Unmarshaller? I would like to show some progress information in my GUI while data is de-/serialized. I see that you can set a Unmarshaller.Listener and Marshaller.Listener, which have a “before” and “after” method. Nevertheless, I do not see any straight forward way to get the total number

Thymeleaf cannot detect templates inside spring-boot project

I have the following project structure in my Spring boot app, in which I want to use Thymeleaf but the spring-boot cannot find my template directory and is showing warning Cannot find template location: classpath:/templates/ (please add some templates or check your Thymeleaf configuration) PS: I am using @EnableAutoConfiguration In my controller code I am doing something like: and index.html

Return custom object from Spring Data with Native Query

My question is based on another post. How can I achieve the same with a native query? Native queries do not allow JPQL thus do not allow new instances either. My POJO. My database table contains coordinates for cities perimeter, so there are three columns: city_name, latitude, longitude. Each city contains lots (really, LOTS) of perimeter coordinates that will be

Spring Data Couchbase @CreatedDate not working

I’m using Spring boot with spring data couchbase. I’ve added two fields for createdDate and lastModifiedDate with @CreatedDate and @LastModifiedDate annotations in Movie Document. lastModifiedDate works great but createdDate is always null. I’ve also added a configuration for @EnableCouchbaseAuditing: Movie Repository: application.yml for reference: Answer As stated in the documentation, in order to distinguish between a creation and an update,

JavaFX Image (class) and ImageView with a URL

I know how to use Image with a url there was a good example here However, when I input a URL into the string it doesn’t work although the Javadocs say if it not a URL it will try to find the file. But it is a URL and its just not displaying. All that has been changed is

How to receive a GZIP response with RESTClient

I am using a service that only works with GZIP compression. I added the accept header and the service works, but RESTClient can not parse the content correctly. My code: The error message is Answer Just add the following after RESTClient instantiation client.setContentEncoding(ContentEncoding.Type.GZIP, ContentEncoding.Type.DEFLATE)
