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Thymeleaf URL with multiple variables

I’m using thymeleaf as template engine in my spring project. My Problem is: I’m trying to submit my form to url that contains two variables, something like: mysite/bla/{id}/bla/{id2} (two variables in url). So, I’m trying with this: The console shows the error: “Skipping URI variable ‘id’ since the request contains a bind value with the same name.” So, someone has

Convert indefinitely running Runnable from java to kotlin

I have some code like this in java that monitors a certain file: This is my kotlin code: I dont understand what Runnable I should pass into mHandler.postDelayed. What is the right solution? Another interesting thing is that the kotlin to java convertor freezes when I feed this code. Answer Lambda-expressions do not have this, but object expressions (anonymous classes)

What is the `it` in Kotlin lambda body?

For example in these two following codes: and In this code what does it mean? Answer it variable is an implicit parameter in lambda. One other helpful convention is that if a function literal has only one parameter, its declaration may be omitted (along with the ->), and its name will be it:

Spring Security UserDetailsService must be set Error

Just i dont understand, why customUserDetailsService doesn’t autowire There are 2 classes i use ================= And there is stackTrace Please explain me, how it’s possible. These classes have the same package, i included this package @ComponentScan annotation. And spring still complains that he cant find @Service Component. There is something easy, but i cant get it. Please help. Answer I

Send Email with Spring Boot

i have a Form with From/Tp Input field and TextArea as Box. I want to send Email using Spring Boot. How can i send Email Using Spring Boot? Thanks for Answers. Answer it works fine now That is my Controller That is my Service That is my property Files

How do I get a custom field out of the payload using JJWT

OK, I am adding a couple of custom claims to the payload when I generate the JWT, and I can pull those out just fine in my front-end (javascript). I then have my javascript send an ajax call to a micro-service and it passes the JWT along with it. I want to get my custom claims out of the JWT

Minor GC pause times are too higfh. possible reasons?

I Am experiencing a regular high minor GC pause times(~ 9seconds). The application is a server written in Java, executing 3 transactions/seconds. Eventhough there’s no I/O excessive activity Heap parameters are: What are the possible reasons for such minor gc pause times values? Answer As the other answer says, without GC log snippets it’s not possible to answer this definitively.
